One Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You Of These 7 Signs

The fast-paced lifestyle and poor eating habits have significantly contributed to the rise of heart disease. Recognizing the symptoms of heart failure a month in advance can be life-saving. Along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing stress, being aware of these signs can help protect you from heart failure.

Keep an eye out for these warning signs that may indicate a heart attack is approaching within a month. It’s essential to take them seriously.

Swollen Feet

Congestive heart failure can cause the heart’s lower chambers to struggle with pumping blood efficiently. This can lead to blood pooling in your legs, ankles, and feet, resulting in noticeable swelling.


When your arteries narrow, your heart doesn’t get enough blood. This makes your heart work much harder, leading to extreme tiredness and constant drowsiness.

Shortness of Breath

Reduced blood flow to the heart means your lungs might not get enough oxygen either. Because these systems are connected, difficulty breathing can signal that you need immediate medical help, as it could be a sign of an impending heart attack.


Narrowed arteries hinder proper blood circulation, causing weakness throughout your body. Without enough blood, your muscles may not get the nutrients they need, leading to unexpected falls. Be extra careful.

Dizziness and Cold Sweats

Poor circulation can limit blood flow to your brain, which is very dangerous. This might initially cause dizziness and cold sweats. Don’t ignore these symptoms.

Chest Pressure

If you’re having a heart attack, you might feel pressure or discomfort in your chest. This feeling will gradually get worse until the attack occurs.

Flu-like Symptoms

Sudden flu-like symptoms can sometimes indicate that a heart attack is near. Many people mistake early heart attack signs for the onset of a cold or flu.

What to Do

If you or someone you know shows these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Early detection is key in preventing a heart attack.

Dr. Travis Stork on Heart Attack Symptoms

Share this information with your family and friends—you could save a life!

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